Saturday, October 15, 2011


I can't believe I can say this but...I'm done.
Hmmm...There's not as much fanfare as I thought there'd be.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Writing as Art

I like the speed technology gives us but I miss the cathartic feeling of seeing ink on paper, the feel of the pen in my hand, the smell of fresh words written out in long form.  There's no replacement for technology but I wonder sometimes if we haven't lost something of the art on the altar of convenience.

Friday, October 7, 2011


The end is in sight.  All the work, the worry, the blood poured out in ink, it's all coming to an end soon.  Hopefully soon.

I'm proud of what I've done.  It's something I never thought I'd do, not really.  But this process has taught me something about myself: writing keeps me sane.  It grounds me and reminds me of who I am apart from wife and mother.  Writing is truly the fruit of what my soul creates and I think I like that.

I like that I am able, or will be able soon, to see a tangible form of all these words pouring out of me.  I'm excited by that and I want that feeling for everyone.

Therefore I pray this for you, whatever fruit your soul produces that it would come forth and you could see the manifestation of it and find you're proud of it, no matter what it is.  Go!  Create and be fruitful!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Note to self....

Writing is a job.  It takes discipline.  You get out of it exactly what you put into it and nothing more.

Sometimes less....

....but never more.